Style our Way: The 3 Beliefs

When it comes to nailing down your personal style, it certainly helps to have a strong set of beliefs that you can refer back to every time you come across those inevitable questions. “What am I trying to say about myself today?” “How am I perceived by other people when wearing this?” “Does this new item actually fit into my wardrobe?” Well, here are 3 of our own personal style beliefs that you can incorporate into your everyday dressing routine. Once you get them into your system, you’ll be answering your own style questions like a pro in no time. :)

Belief 1: Style is a form of self expression, creativity, and discovery

Your mood can change from day to day to the point where sometimes you can feel like a completely different version of yourself. Use these mood-changing opportunities to play with the different parts of who you are by way of getting dressed. Your style doesn’t have to be exactly the same every day, but it should always feel true to you. You don’t want to veer so far outside your personal style box that your look feels like a costume or that someone you know wouldn’t recognize you walking down the street, but it IS possible to have cohesive style while incorporating different elements based on how you feel that day. Change the color palette (even just a pop of color can do the trick), change your jewelry, change the silhouette…You are always growing and changing and so is your style. Let your creativity fly and discover who you are by using style as art on your body. You know that you are the most beautiful and worthy of canvases.

Belief 2: Style is a form of communication

The way you dress and present yourself says something to the world. It can give indicators of your level of playfulness or seriousness. How you dress for a friend’s bachelorette party is going to be much different than how you dress for your in-law’s anniversary party. Your style can give indicators of your energy. Are you feeling vibrant? Take a cue from that vibrant feeling and dress with more color. Are you feeling a little more introverted? Try dressing with more neutral or softer hues. Your look can also set the tone for a presentation or meeting. Wanting to show that board room full of men that you’re a woman in charge? Wearing heels and a dress communicates a sophisticated and feminine feel. Showing up to meet a new client as a freelance graphic designer? A jumpsuit and booties can communicate a more cool, creative vibe. Your style is communicating to your audience and the world who you are and how you wish to show up. It’s up to you what you want to say.

Belief 3: Style is a form of self-care and wellness

We don’t all feel amazing 100% of the time, and your style can assist in making you feel better OR worse. Have you ever woken up feeling great, but by the time you leave the house, you feel off because you’re wearing a look that’s ‘not you’? Have you ever woken up feeling awful, but then decided you were going to wear your favorite outfit and left the house feeling exponentially better? Style can fully affect your mood. Taking pride in what you put on your body can also help you to have more pride in yourself. What happens when you take that extra 10 minutes in the morning to style your hair just right? The same thing that happens when you put an extra 5 minutes of thought into your outfit. When you get the presentation of you just right, you’re telling yourself that you’re valuable and you deserve to treat yourself that way every day. Eventually, that value and pride seeps into your psychology and has majorly positive effects on your life with a more positive outlook. Take care of yourself with your style. <3

Final Thoughts

You are worth taking the extra time to dress yourself in the morning. Express yourself. Communicate to others how you’d like to be perceived. Take care of your mental well-being by putting value in what you put on your body. Put all of these thoughts into your daily ritual, and you’ll notice that you’ll start to feel more like your best self. Because why would you want to be anything less?

You can have anything you want in life if you dress for it.
— Edith Head, American Academy Award winning costume designer
Style by Ilana