Introducing a new chapter...

We’re all searching for how to be our most vibrant and valuable selves, but how do we get there? How do we find that feeling of genuine joy for being alive and celebrating who we are?

A big part of making the world a better place to live in is about the people living in it feeling good. There are so many different aspects of getting to that ‘feel good’ place: eating well, moving your body, being active in your community… but what if you found that your personal style is a much more quintessential part of feeling good than you thought?

Your personal style is interconnected to so many parts of what makes you feel good, which results in how you contribute to what good can be done in this world. The way you feel contributes to how you interact with others, how you consume, what you consume, and how you treat your current and future self.

Something you can do every single day to make yourself feel good is to get dressed mindfully, and getting dressed mindfully is something that takes time and education.

Who is Style by Ilana?

Style by Ilana is a San Diego-based small business, specializing in re-imagining denim. Starting as a wardrobe styling and personal shopping business (and still offering those services), they have evolved into a company that re-works denim, bringing your deepest denim-driven dreams to life. Each article of denim is lovingly paired with a textile that enhances its unique characteristics, making it a one-of-a-kind piece of wearable art.

They Care about Ethical Style

Style by Ilana buys vintage denim wholesale and through individual sellers who want their pieces to have a second life. They know that clothing is not simply meant to be used, but to be used up. They bring new life to pieces of denim that would otherwise be sitting in the back of a closet or destined for a landfill. For each specialized design, they source quality textiles to adhere to the second-hand and vintage pieces they obtain. They primarily work with denim jackets, shorts, and overalls.

Style by Ilana products can be found at local and craft markets across the Southern California area and online at their website

Outside of caring about ethical sourcing, they also strive to make charitable giving a pillar of their business. In the past, they’ve raised money for The Nature Conservancy and plan to put their best foot forward with as many charitable opportunities as possible in the future.

How can you be a part of this amazing ethical community while educating yourself on mindful dressing, you ask?


Jacket Club

What is Jacket Club?

Jacket Club is a quarterly/annual members-only subscription club that offers exclusive benefits related to the Style by Ilana experience.

By joining Jacket Club, you’ll receive:

  • Access to the Secret Store with exclusive items for members only

  • Member’s Discount - Special savings on Shop items

  • Jacket Club Raffle - 1 FREE Raffle ticket every month.

  • Early access to the latest articles on this Style Journal. Follow along with us and learn how to further your own personal style, how to be an ethical consumer, and much more content geared toward your style evolution

You’ll be receiving all these benefits —with more to come— along with contributing to a small business and investing in charitable giving. We hope that with Jacket Club, you’re able to be part of making the world a better place by investing in yourself.

Dress better, feel your best ❤️
— Style by Ilana
Style by Ilana